I Never Procrastinate...
I guess this will be the final post before I officially leave the country ;) Unless, of course, I manage to get internet while I'm in the airplane O.O... how cool would that be? Mind you, if they do offer those services on-board, I'm sure I'll have sacrifice a limb or two. That being said, there aren't going to be any accompanying photos until later :(
On with it. Sooo, actually, this is the first post from my personal laptop (Toshiba satellite 5200) because, as you know my HardDrive died awhile back. The reason I bring this up is because...
Since I am going on this trip and my Personal Laptop was dead I HAD to go out and purchase a new HD in order to feed my 7.7 lb a day Laptop addiction. After consulting with ASOO my choice had been made. I wanted a: Momentus 5400 100G 2.5" Seagate 100GB 5400RPM ATA6 2.5" 8MB Cache for notebook. I was now officially on a mission.
I realized now that I probably shouldn't have put it off to the last minute cuz I had other things to do. I was expecting to have the weekend off but was asked to work a full day of OT and seeing as I'm taking 2.5 weeks off (unpaid) how could I turn down the offer? I got off work at 2pm and began my journey... here's a list:
1) Pick up car from dad's work (to run errands).
2) Get haircut. (I was past my bi-weekly limit and was almost at 'afro' stage).
3) Go to ATIC computers and pick up the HD.
4) Pack/install/reimage computer.
5) Try to call up AK for a last BBT run.
** 2 and 3 were kind of a toss-up but meh... actually, nm... 3 had priority but for some reason I didn't feel like I had my priorities straight that day **
*sigh* it's almost boarding time... more to come...
*** Update from Narita AirPort ***
I got a ride to H&R Block on Kingsway and grabbed the car. Then I booked it over to the Hair Dresser's on Rupert & 29th Ave. There were 2 people in front of me so I was contemplating just leaving and to go pick up the HD. Turns out that it was a good thing that I didn't go, it didn't take long for Andy to cut the first 2 guy's hair :D Maybe he rushed cuz I tip him well? :p dunno.
I managed to get out of there by about 4pm and made it home by 4:10pm. I then proceeded to go to ATIC on Broadway. For some reason traffic this Saturday was retarded busy. wth. I took Boundary to Grandview and decided that Grandview was too narrow and traffic was too dense. I busted a right on Rupert and then took Broadway all the way down. What a waste of time. ATIC didn't have ANY Seagate notebook drives in stock! FEK!I then proceeded to make my way up to NCIX. On the way there I got a phonecall from pa. "Can you go and pick Jeff (my cousin) up? I need him to sign his income tax papers". WTF... so I had to make a detour and head back home to pick up my cousin. I forgot to mention earlier that I initially went home to pick him up because he said he wanted to come along but subsequently decided to stay home (bastard).
After going home (yet again) we went to NCIX. Ya... they don't carry Seagate drives in stock. they order them. ARGH! You can imagine that I was frustrated by this time. "So what DO you carry here?"
$140 later (after taxes) I had my drive and started making my way over to H&R Block again.
"OK fine, let me see what you have."
"Nevermind, do you have the 80GB HD that comes with the enclosure."
"Yes, it's on special."
"Fine, I'll take it.""Hey Jeff, can you check the receipt?"
I had to go back to NCIX cuz I forgot to pick up the receipt after I left.
"Uh.. where is it?"
We eventually made it back to H&R Block, signed the papers and then went home. I spent the next hour and a half: swapping out the HDs, using the recovery discs (as I didn't have the time to do a clean install and do all the updates. Then I partitioned the drive, installed Ghost, and reimaged my laptop with the last one that I had. I was all set to go.... except that I had to take over 1.5hrs to xfer all the files that I had backed up on my external drive.
The remainder of the night I spent in-between chatting w/ Jacq, packing and installing the apps that I thought I'd need... so that was my day :p
I ended up passing out fairly early... without finishing my packing first but continued after I woke up this morning. Then I had to taxi my (work) laptop back to the office to lock it up. I'm not allowed to take it out of the country because of the sensitive information that's on it... (tho I know of a few people who have done so :p) psh.
frack.. I want to upload pictures.. but I'm not sure I have enough time :( Ah crap... they're boarding my flight... :@
Ciao for now.. I'll post the pics.. I promise ;)
Happy Holidays~^^
Looking forward to seeing the pictures you capture.
hehe, thanks ;) I'll try to get them up soon!
(MMX in Tokyo)
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