Laptops hate me...
Those who know me also know that I am plagued with a curse when it comes to laptops. When I was attending BCIT I enrolled in the laptop program which meant that each person in my 'set' was issued a laptop and we had access to a private 'lab' complete with a network drop for each of us. That year we were given a batch of IBM ThinkPad T30 (I think) and lucky for us we got a whole batch of defective MotherBoards too. Something to do with the video memory... way to go IBM! Now look, I work in the Services division for IBM... wth... must be some sort of punishment for something I did in a past life.
So anyway, out of roughly 20 laptops I get the LEMON (read: an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory [syn: stinker]) of the bunch... there's got to be a better word than that. How 'bout: Shitty-useless-giant-6lb-MoBo replacement x6-paperweight. Ya, that doesn't even cover everything but it'll suffice for now. You see, it's not that I don't like IBM, in fact I think they make some
nice looking reliable products that aren't waaaaaay overpriced.
So, you have been warned, be wary when I am around and your laptop is nearby :p. If I touch it... it's game over.
My Toshiba Satellite is slowly dying as well, I'm very happy with it overall, but the curse is still with me. From Day one, the OS would randomly freeze up. Not so frequent, but enough that it prompted me to send it back in while still under warranty. Upon return the problem seemed to go away.. for about a week :@ then came back. Meh... I lived with it.
Woo hoo! Successfully booted!
Now it's a different problem alltogether. The HardDrive motor seems to be dying :'( which means that I'll have to go out and look for a new one. *sigh* I've been too lazy to go look for one, and I'm not exactly up-to-date with computer stuffy stuff :$. Ah well. I first realized that the drive was dying when data xfers would be displaying the status.. and the estimated times were going up :/... you know there's something wrong when something that should take 1 minute to xfer starts counting up to over 200 minutes and there's not scan/other cpu activity going on in the background. Another hint that things are going wrong would be ... BSOD 3 times in 3 attempts to start the OS.
** OUCH **Today I managed to backup the last of my data :p the 7.2 GB of songs that I had on my drive... and whatever other entertainment I had as well. I was quite pleased as I didn't have to hold the laptop at a funny angle to make sure the drive would keep spinning. It was, however, still doing some funny stuff albeit not as often as before... who cares I suppose :p I managed to get everything xferred before it crapped out again! I was expecting BSOD again.. but nope.. it just locked up and looked like Vid Mem went... uh... crap. This post wasn't about my Video Memory going.. was it? Shit.
BTW... ignore the name of the file that's being xferred in the picture O.o... it's uh... not mine? :p
Liar! I recognize your desktop! :P
hehe... Um... my cousin uses my laptop? :p
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