Back in town...
:D My best friennd is back in town (from T.O.) and we managed to go have a couple of drinks at Earls (his workplace), it was nice to see him again as we don't get to spend much time together.
Wow... I forget how much alcohol he is able to handle tho... tonight his grand total was 14 beer, 2 shots versus my meager 3 pint, 1 shot :p. Haha... and we both have to work tomorrow. Well... I know I'll be having a nice sleep tonight ;)
Regardless, it was a nice way to welcome the New Year with him :) Cheers.
Is this why you weren't in on Friday? :P
LOL... I knew someone was going to ask about that =p, and NO that is not why I was not in Friday ;). I woke up REALLY not feeling well. Headache and throwing up :( I wish it were the drinks that did it... then @ least I know it would have been worth it =p.
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