Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Golfing With Apples :P...

My dad has been talking about taking golf lessons lately and last week I had the urge to go out into the backyard and whack a few apples around :D

If you're ever bored and happen to have an apple tree in the yard then you should give this it a shot ;) Apple trees like to drop apples all over the place after they have ripened. Alot of the time the apples are over ripe or end up really bruised so you can't pick them up to eat them anyway... what to do? Grab a driver and whack away!

In the back of our house there is a medical building across the alley. If I were whacking golf balls I'd probably have the cops and/or a lawyer banging on my door :P Fortunately, apples just explode when you hit them :D weeeeeeeeee! Enjoy!


Piccola said...

LOL.. Anyway.. Good Job! I like the starting which shows MMX production. :D

monochromatix said...

hehe, Thanks ;)