Monday, February 20, 2006

VOIPStunt... Bringing Us Closer Together...

I've always been skeptical when it comes to new technologies and accepting them... you're never sure what you can trust and how well they're going to work or for how long the service is going to be available for.

I guess this time was different for me because my father received an email from one of our family friends who is overseas in Malaysia. Towards the end of the email he mentioned that he's been using VOIPStunt to communicate with someone in Vancouver. hey, look at that... that's the city I live in. He also goes on to mention that the calls that he makes using VOIPStunt are FREE OF CHARGE! wooo haaa!

Click picture for a complete listing of call rates & locations

The list of landlines that you can call for free contains 37 countries. The only 3 that I was interested in were Malaysia/Australia/Singapore (for obvious reasons) Lo-and-behold... this list contains them all!!!

So I go ahead and install it expecting there to be some crappy restriction despite the fact that it says, "100% Free, no call setup!" I then proceed to place a call to Singapore (mobile phone) curious as to whether it would work because it says it's free to all landlines. But then again, all mobile networks have to be land based somewhere... right? To my surprise it worked... and (or I could have just done more research and read the rates :p) it worked well! Jacq said that the line was clearer than when I call from my home landline... wow!

HOWEVER... this service is not without a catch. I placed a few more calls that night and eventually it told me that my trial period was over, I had to go update my account. WTH... I really need to read more before I sign up for things like this :p

To counter misuse of our network we have limited these free calls to a maximum of 1 minute for our trial users. If you want to enjoy UNLIMITED FREE CALLS to these destinations, you have to become a fully registered user by topping up your account. This credit deposit will stay untouched as long as you are calling the free destinations and remains valid for 120 days after your last purchase.
Psh, no biggie :p I'd rather pay the €10 (approx $14 CDN) for 120 days of free Long Distance calling than the 10c per minute from our LD provider! Not to mention the $38 phone call that was billed to my mobile :p

Anyway, ya, it's working great and I get to talk overseas to my heart's content ;) Give it a shot. The only restriction I have now is that when it hits 59m 59s it drops the call. All you have to do then is call them back :D

* * * UPDATE * * *

Re: X's comment: There are VOIP services available in Canada but... funny story... the day after I signed up for VOIPStunt I was in the car on the way to work and I heard a story on the local news station. They were warning about one of the perils of VOIP service. When you're signing up for VOIP services (to replace your landline) you have to make sure that it offers a direct connection to your local Emergency Line. Apparently there was someone in the Lower Mainland who dialed 911 to report a fire... the call was routed/picked-up in Toronto and subsequently (eventually) routed to an Emergency Line in Vancouver. Unfortunately, this particular line was not a monitored line (???) yea, that part didn't make sense to me either, but I guess that was the only number that the TO office had on hand (?). Needless to say, there was substantial fire damage even though the call was eventually routed to the proper authorities. That's my story X... one final thought... why didn't the caller have a mobile phone? or just go to a neighbor's house?

* * * UPDATE * * *

Hmm.. interesting...

I was doing a little research on VOIP services.. and for some reason if you look at VOIPStunt, VOIPBuster and Internetcalls they're all owned by the same person (?) hmmm... In fact VOIPStunt and VOIPBuster are pretty much the same site templates... just different color. The client looks the same but the title... and the difference between those and the Internetcalls client are... the titles in the titlebar, and the icons... oh, and the fact that Internetcall allows call forwarding. What does the future have in store for me?... I wonder O_O


ochiro said...

59m and 59s? that's like Fido's 1h 59m 59s... dorks.

monochromatix said...

hahah.. wth, they actually cut you off after 2h? that's fekked :p

Lonely Linus said...

Isn't there a VOIP service in Vancouver as well?

monochromatix said...

Yeah, it looks like there is NetFone seems to offer VOIP service across Canada but at a fee of $12.95 for Personal and $24.95 for Business. These are monthly fees as opposed to my tri-monthly top-up of €10.

Plus there is a list of international rates too. (Per minute) S'pore is $ 0.0213, M'sia is $ 0.0333, and AUS is $ 0.0278.

Another peril of VOIP services is Emergency calling... I'll update the blog w/ this information.