Thursday, August 03, 2006

Celebration of Light 2006 - Czech Republic

Today is Wednesday and therefore Celebration of lights day :). X and I had planned to go together again, but due to last-minutes changes to his job schedule, and people not responding to their MSN, I ended up attending this event on my own. Meh... it wasn't all that bad.

I didn't have to worry about losing someone in the crowd and I didn't have to wait around for people to catch up. The down-side? Well, if I wanted a REALLY nice spot, then I'd have had to go early and sit alone like a loser O.o I opted to go just before the start of the show and shove my way to the front of the standing crowd :p

On the way down to the beach I stumbled upon one of the Capoeira Schools doing a street exhibition :) These guys are great... I'd attend Capoeira lessons, but it's pretty steep, who knows, maybe in the future :p

I pushed my way down to the section in front of the speakers, same place as last time. This time I made sure that I was at the front of the standers :p well, almost in front anyway. It was a nice change to be able to setup the tripod and shoot instead of standing there holding my arms out for 25 minutes :) The resulting video is much better than the previous shaky cam ones although since it was a windless night, the smoke ended up lingering and obstructing some of the fireworks. You'll see... I'm encoding / uploading the videos, so you'll have to bear with me ;)

The aftermath:

On the way back to the car (I took Davie St) I noticed that there was a group of people causing a rukus. Naturally, I followed hoping that I would get some good footage that I could post on the net curious to see if anything would happen. Lo-and-behold...

The guy that's facing me was screaming something to his buddy, "hey *friend's name*! Make sure you get this shit and send it to me!"... then there was his friend, "This is illegal! It's against our rights!" Rights? What rights? :P The only right that was violated was your right-to-not-be-a-moron-in-a-place-crawling-with-5-0, & you gave that one up the moment you stepped out your house, dumbass.


Lonely Linus said...

Hahaha, what a loser going by yourself.

Just kidding. Thanks for making the trip, now I'll be able to view some fireworks before Saturday.

You're da best!

monochromatix said...

Ya, tell me about it, eh? :p I'm such a loser, hehe.

meh, it was all good... oh yeah.. forgot to post the pictures of the people who got arrested :D