Movie: The Descent...
Tonight I watched a movie with AK... I'm pretty happy because it looks as though there is a string of horror movies coming out :D and I'm a horror movie buff :)
On with the story. Our movie was scheduled for 10:10 pm so we left my house at around 9:40pm (the theater is fairly close by). We arrived at roughly 9:50 and to our horror, the theatre was busy as hell. I was thinking that we'd have to refund our tickets and come see it another night. Then I thought... what movies have just been released? Pulse and World Trade center are the two that immediately came to mind. We were praying that everyone was going to see those ones. On the way up to the theatres there was a lineup that started going down the flight of stairs.
Usually when we purchse our tickets we just go to the machines and debit, there's almost never a line-up... tonight there was, and AK was lucky enough to have two chimps ahead of him :D We got our tickets and made our way over towards our theatre. Crap, there was a line-up there too, fortunately it looked longer than it actually was. We managed to get seats at the back of the room, right in the middle :)
I'm not sure what I was expecting out of this movie... but, I'm still also not sure what I got out of it either :P. Here's the synopsis:One year after a tragic accident, six girlfriends meet in a remote part of the Appalachians for their annual caving trip. Deep below the surface of the earth, disaster strikes when a rock falls and blocks their route back to the surface. The girls soon learn that Juno, the thrill-seeking leader of the expedition, has brought them to an unexplored cave and that as a result no one knows where they are to come rescue them. The group splinters and each push on, praying for another exit. But there is something else lurking under the earth - a race of monstrous humanoid creatures that are adapted perfectly to life in the dark. As the friends realize they are now prey, they are forced to unleash their most primal instincts in an all-out war against an unspeakable horror - one that attacks without warning, again and again and again.
The way the movie started out mislead me a little. I was pretty stoked because something major happens within the first 10 minutes. Then for the next 20-30 minutes, the pace slows drastically... essentially just showing the party of girls spelunking/caving. The cast is essentially a bunch of actors that no one in N. America have heard of... well... I haven't heard of any of them. There was only one that was really worth looking at (IMO) and I couldn't figure out if she was Hispanic, Asian, or a mix of some sort.
In the movie they claim that the predators (and that's what they actually sound like :P) have 'adpated perfectly to life in the dark'. I think not. They can hear people moving from far away.. but they can't feel/hear someone breathing inches away from their face? They can't feel heat, or tell the difference between stone and hair? I don't want to give anything away... but I'm sure you get the idea. Furthermore, they offer no explanation as to where they come from, what their purpose is (aside from hunting, consuming & surviving)... really, they make absolutely noooo attempt to fill in that gap. We're just supposed to accept it. t('.'t) C'mon... you've got to give us something with a little more substance. Yes, even if it's fiction... I was chuckling to myself when I first caught a glimpse of one... I was waiting for it to start whispering, "My Precious..." :p
Even the special effects were sub-par. There was a scene that had bats flying out of a tunnel in the cave... it looked like they took those bats from another movie and tried to super-impose them in... One thing that I (as well as my neighbors) enjoyed were some of the gory parts :p not so realistic, but still entertaining non-the-less :D Would I recommend this movie? That's a tough one... I've definitely seen worse, but I've also seen much better... if you're looking for something with more substance and purpose then this is not for you. If you're looking for a random, REALLY RANDOM horror movie that's just there and doesn't give you any explanation for what's going on :p this is it! :D
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