Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's Shitting Rain...

That's right, shitting not pissing! Yesterday the heavens decided to open up and dump down on Vancouver. In this city when it rains everyone forgets how to drive. Last month or the month before we had our first downpour in awhile. What happened that day? There were accidents on all the major routes AND all the bridges! What's up with that? Does the low pressure swell your brains?! Is it that much harder to drive when the roads are wet?

Yesterday was a disaster. I'm lucky because my shift starts at 5am which means that I'm on the road by around 4:30-4:45am == NO TRAFFIC. Regardless, I could tell that traffic was going to be retarded that day. On the way to work the roads were already beginning to flood... there were spots on the highway where water had pooled and made hydroplaning hazards.

Later in the day the winds picked up and the rain was going sideways... THEN there were power outages ALL OVER the city. Traffic lights were out everywhere so everyone had to use the 4-way stop procedure. You can imagine what the arterial routes looked like...

At one point the police were advising that people avoid taking HWY 1... one of the main routes for people commuting out of Vancouver back to their homes in the suburbs. I had to laugh... I thought to myself, "Those people with flying cars sure are lucky!"

By the end of the day it had rained 38.8mm, trees had fallen all over the place, today we have a warning informing us to boil our water... and this morning we also had a Tsunami watch as a result of the earthquake in Japan...


carolyn said...

And when it snowed the city shut down. Lol. I remembered getting a day off from school when it snowed cos the city didn't manage to clear the road in time. And it was just a couple of inches high. Vancouver is just not prepared for heavy rain or snow at all :p

The world weather is going mad. It actually snowed in Melbourne and Tasmania when it is supposed to be Summer in 2 weeks time for them. And my sister is in Taz now, don't think she brought any winter wear at all. Lol.

monochromatix said...

HAHA :D.. you're absolutely right! Vancouverites are wussies. When we get an inch of snow the city shuts down... whereas the East-Coast isn't phased when the snow is above their doors :P

Wow, showing in Melbourne :o crazy!